Walking Events in Tuncurry NSW

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Suggested groups & Activities in and around Elizabeth Beach NSW

Forster (Tuncurry) walking group - Man Walk image

Forster (Tuncurry) walking group - Man Walk

Provider: The Man Walk
Walk, talk, support - that's the motto of 'the man walk' - a walking group giving blokes an opportunity, and a safe space, to open up and discuss any issues they may be having.

Starting Point: BBQ area, John Wright Park
Start Time: 7:00am
Duration: 45-60 minutes

Days: Monday

For more information, please visit our website.
Tuncurry NSW
Age: 36 - 65+
4.9 km from Elizabeth Beach
Forster parkrun - MidCoast Council image

Forster parkrun - MidCoast Council

Provider: parkrun Australia
What is Forster parkrun?
A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you!

When is it?
Every Saturday Morning. See website for exact time.

What does it cost to join in?
Nothing - it's free!

How to join in?
Visit the parkrun website to sign up and learn more about how to participate.

** About Forster parkrun **

Forster parkrun is a FREE weekly 5km event for participants of all standards, which takes place every Saturday. It is not a race against other runners, but a 5k timed run...
Forster NSW
Age: 18 - 65+
6.4 km from Elizabeth Beach
Kids Tennis Classes @ Forster Tennis Club image

Kids Tennis Classes @ Forster Tennis Club

Your local coach: Jaime McDonagh - Club Professional Coach for Dynamic Tennis Academy

Hot Shots Tennis: Fun Kids Classes and Tennis Lessons

Hot Shots Tennis is a fun way for children aged 3-10+ years old to play and learn tennis. Each Stage provides the right equipment and court size for kids to play tennis at their ability and interest. Games and activities are designed with our Play to Learn philosophy which recognizes the importance of play, appropriate challenge, and learning new skills.

The benefits of the program go beyond learning tennis to also promote life skills such as building positive...
Approx $20.00
Age: 3 - 11
6.4 km from Elizabeth Beach

Cardio Tennis @ Forster Tennis Club

Your local coach: Jaime McDonagh - Club Professional Coach for Dynamic Tennis Academy

Looking to inject some energy into your fitness routine? Want to improve your tennis skills while breaking a sweat? Come and give Cardio Tennis a try!

What is Cardio Tennis?
Cardio Tennis is the dynamic fusion of tennis drills, cardiovascular exercise, and upbeat music, designed to get your heart pumping and your skills improving. It's the perfect blend of fitness and fun, suitable for adults of all ages and abilities.

Tailored to Your Needs
Everyone has different fitness levels and tennis skills. That's why Tennis Australia coaches...
Approx $20.00
Age: 18 - 65+
6.4 km from Elizabeth Beach
Taree parkrun - MidCoast Council image

Taree parkrun - MidCoast Council

Provider: parkrun Australia
What is Taree parkrun?
A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you!

When is it?
Every Saturday Morning. See website for exact time.

What does it cost to join in?
Nothing - it's free!

How to join in?
Visit the parkrun website to sign up and learn more about how to participate.

** About Taree parkrun **

Taree parkrun is a FREE weekly 5km event for participants of all standards, which takes place every Saturday. It is not a race against other runners, but a 5k timed run...
Taree NSW
Age: 18 - 65+
31.9 km from Elizabeth Beach


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Walking in Australia

Participating in a walking event can be a great way to stay active, challenge yourself, and give back to the community. Walking events, also known as walkathons or charity walks, are organized for a variety of causes and organizations, and offer a great opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to participate.

Popular distances for walking events include the 5K (3.1 miles), 10K (6.2 miles) and Half marathon (13.1 miles) walks. These distances provide an achievable goal for many people, while also offering a significant physical challenge.

When participating in a walking event, it's important to prepare properly. This includes ensuring that you have comfortable shoes that are broken in and appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. It's also important to stay hydrated throughout the event, and to fuel your body with the right foods before and during the walk.

Before starting any training program for a walking event, it is always recommended to consult with a doctor, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or haven't exercised in a while. A doctor can help you to determine if you're ready for an event, and can provide guidance on how to train safely and effectively.

Many walking events are also organized as fundraisers for charitable organizations, giving participants the opportunity to contribute to a good cause while also challenging themselves physically. This can be a great way to feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose, knowing that your participation is helping to make a positive impact in the world.

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