SA Regional Netball League Adopts Progressive Uniform Policy

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SA Regional Netball League Adopts Progressive Uniform Policy

In a significant stride towards inclusivity, the Mid South East Netball Association, centred around Millicent in South Australia, has implemented a groundbreaking uniform policy. This move, allowing players to wear shorts or leggings instead of traditional dresses or skirts, is poised to revolutionise the landscape of regional netball.

Enhancing Recruitment Through Inclusivity

One of the primary motivations behind this progressive step is to enhance inclusivity within the sport. By accommodating diverse preferences and needs, the league aims to attract a broader spectrum of players, ultimately bolstering recruitment efforts. This move is not just about attire; it symbolises a commitment to creating an environment where every individual feels welcome and valued.

Pioneering Change: Hope for a Ripple Effect

Moreover, the Mid South East Netball Association's decision sets a precedent for other regional leagues across South Australia. While change may take time, there's a tangible momentum towards embracing inclusivity within netball communities statewide.

The Road to Inclusivity: Challenges and Progress

Rochelle Eime, a prominent sport science professor at Federation University in Ballarat, sheds light on the broader implications of this shift. She suggests that while Netball Australia recommended inclusive uniform policies over a year ago, the adoption process at the grassroots level may take anywhere from five to ten years. This underscores the significance of initiatives like that of the Mid South East Netball Association in driving progressive change.

Notably, Netball Australia's inclusive uniform policy extends beyond attire to accommodate religious considerations. Players are now permitted to wear soft head coverings for religious reasons, further underscoring the commitment to inclusivity and diversity within the sport.

A Step Towards a More Inclusive Future

In essence, the Mid South East Netball Association's decision to embrace inclusive uniform policies signifies a pivotal moment in the evolution of regional netball. By prioritising inclusivity, the league not only sets an example for others to follow but also reaffirms its dedication to creating a sport that is accessible and welcoming to all. As the wheels of change are set in motion, it's evident that netball communities across South Australia are moving towards a more inclusive future.


Find the full article on ABC News website.

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