Tips for keeping kids active over the summer holidays

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Tips for keeping kids active over the summer holidays

Keeping kids active over the summer holidays can be a challenge, especially with the distractions of screens and sedentary activities. However, it's important to encourage physical activity in children not only for their physical health but also for their mental well-being. Here are some ideas for keeping kids active over the summer holidays:

Outdoor activities

Make the most of the warm weather by getting outside and enjoying the great outdoors.

Here are a few outdoor activities that kids may enjoy during the summer:

  1. Swimming: Going to the beach, pool, or water park can be a fun way to cool off and have fun.

  2. Outdoor sports: Kids can enjoy playing sports such as soccer, basketball, baseball, or frisbee in the park or backyard.

  3. Hiking: Going for a hike in a local park or nature reserve can be a great way to spend time outdoors and get some exercise.

  4. Gardening: Kids can learn about plants and nature by helping to plant and care for a garden.

  5. Camping: Going camping in the great outdoors can be a fun and exciting adventure for kids. Caravan parks like Big4 is a popular choice for family camping.

  6. Scavenger hunts: Create a list of items for kids to find outdoors, and send them on a scavenger hunt.

  7. Outdoor games: Play games such as tag, capture the flag, or Red Light Green Light in the backyard or park.

  8. Water balloon fights: Fill up water balloons and have a fun water fight on a hot summer day.

  9. Family Events: Look for family friendly events or fun runs in your area. These events generally have a lot of fun activities to get kids interested in sports and moving.

Structured sports programs

There are many structured sports programs for kids during the summer, such as:

  1. Youth sports clubs: Many clubs offer organized sports for kids, such as soccer, basketball, and baseball.

  2. Summer sports camps: Many schools and sports organizations offer sports camps during the summer, where kids can focus on a specific sport and receive coaching and instruction.

  3. Swim lessons: Many community centers and YMCAs offer swim lessons for kids of all ages during the summer.

  4. Tennis lessons: Many tennis clubs and community centers offer tennis lessons for kids during the summer.

  5. Golf camps: Golf courses and community centers often offer golf camps for kids during the summer.

  6. Horseback riding camps: Some equestrian centers offer horseback riding camps for kids during the summer.

  7. Sailing lessons: Many marinas and yacht clubs offer sailing lessons for kids during the summer.

  8. Martial arts camps: Many martial arts studios offer summer camps where kids can learn martial arts skills.

Active playdates

Two girls cycling

Instead of just hanging out at home, plan active playdates with other families. An active playdate is a playdate that involves physical activity and movement. It can be any activity that gets kids moving and having fun, such as sports, games, or outdoor adventures.

Active playdates have several benefits for kids. They can:

  1. Improve physical fitness: Active playdates can help kids stay physically active and improve their overall fitness.

  2. Boost mental health: Physical activity has been shown to improve mental health and reduce stress, so active playdates can be a great way for kids to boost their mood and feel happier.

  3. Promote teamwork and social skills: Active playdates can give kids an opportunity to work together as a team and develop social skills such as communication and cooperation.

  4. Encourage creativity and problem-solving: Many active playdates involve problem-solving and decision-making, which can help kids develop their creativity and critical thinking skills.

  5. Provide an outlet for energy: Active playdates can be a great way for kids to burn off energy and stay active, which can help them sleep better and feel more focused.

This could be as simple as going to a park and playing a game of tag or having a picnic and playing frisbee.

Active vacations

two girls cycling

Consider planning a vacation that involves physical activity, such as a hiking or biking trip. This can be a fun and rewarding way for kids to stay active while exploring a new place.

Here are a few ideas for active vacations for kids during the summer:

  1. Beach vacation: A beach vacation can be a great opportunity for kids to swim, build sandcastles, and play beach games.

  2. National park vacation: Many national parks offer a variety of activities for kids, such as bushwalking, biking, and nature walks.

  3. Camping trip: Going camping in a local state park or national park can be a fun and active way to spend a summer vacation.

  4. Cycling trip: Take your cycles on a bike carrier in your next vacation. This can be a great way to explore some rail trails or a new town, and an active way to spend a summer vacation with kids.

Fun fitness challenges

Small child
doing yoga at home with her mother

Here are a few fitness challenges that kids may enjoy over the summer:

  1. Daily exercise challenge: Set a goal for kids to do a certain amount of exercise each day, such as 30 minutes of physical activity. They can choose the type of exercise they want to do, such as running, jumping jacks, or bike rides.

  2. Plank challenge: The plank challenge involves holding a plank position (a core exercise) for increasing periods of time each day. Start with a goal of 20 seconds and increase by 10 seconds each day.

  3. Push-up challenge: The push-up challenge involves doing increasing numbers of push-ups each day. Start with a goal of 5 push-ups and increase by 5 each day.

  4. Jump rope challenge: The jump rope challenge involves jumping rope for increasing periods of time each day. Start with a goal of 1 minute and increase by 30 seconds each day.

  5. Squat challenge: The squat challenge involves doing increasing numbers of squats each day. Start with a goal of 20 squats and increase by 10 each day.

  6. Daily step challenge: Set a daily step goal for kids and encourage them to track their steps using a pedometer or fitness tracker.

  7. Active scavenger hunt: Create a list of active tasks for kids to complete, such as running to a certain location or doing a certain number of jumping jacks. They can check off each task as they complete it.

  8. Yoga challenge: Encourage kids to try different yoga poses each day and see how many they can complete in a row. They can use a yoga app or book to find new poses to try.

Active hobbies

Small child

Encourage kids to take up an active hobby, such as dance or martial arts. These types of activities not only provide physical exercise but also offer an opportunity for kids to learn new skills and make new friends.
 Few active hobbies that kids may enjoy over the summer include:

  1. Swimming: Swimming is a fun and active hobby that kids can enjoy in the summer.

  2. Biking: Biking is a great way for kids to explore their neighborhood or nearby parks and get some exercise.

  3. Hiking: Going on hikes in local parks or nature reserves can be a fun and active hobby for kids.

  4. Skateboarding: Skateboarding is a fun and active hobby that kids can enjoy in the summer.

  5. Tennis: Playing tennis at a local court or joining a tennis club can be a fun and active hobby for kids.

  6. Dancing:Dancing can help kids improve their physical fitness, coordination, and balance. It can also be a great way for kids to express themselves creatively and have fun while being active. There are many different types of dance that kids can try, such as ballet, jazz, hip hop, or tap, so they can find a style that they enjoy.

  7. Running: Encourage kids to start a running club or join a local running group to get some exercise and have fun.

  8. Martial arts: Taking martial arts classes or practicing at home can be a fun and active hobby for kids.

  9. Rock climbing: Going rock climbing at a local gym or outdoor climbing area can be a fun and active hobby for kids.

Active indoor activities

If the weather isn't cooperating or you just need a break from the heat, there are plenty of indoor activities that can keep kids moving. Some ideas include creating an obstacle course in your home, playing indoor games like freeze tag or Simon Says, or doing a home workout video together.
There are also many active video games that kids can play, such as Just Dance or Switch Ring or Wii Sports. Another idea, is toturn on some music and have a dance party in the living room.

Incorporate activity into daily routines

Make physical activity a part of your daily routine by walking or biking to school or the store instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and going for a family walk after dinner.

Here are a few ideas for incorporating activity into daily routines for kids over the summer:

  1. Make physical activity a part of the morning routine: Encourage kids to do a neighbourhood walk, jumping jacks, push-ups, or stretching before they start their day.

  2. Walk or bike to school or local destinations: Instead of driving, encourage kids to walk or bike to school or local destinations such as the library or park.

  3. Incorporate active breaks: Set a timer for every hour or two and have kids take a short active break, such as doing some jumping jacks or running up and down the stairs.

  4. Encourage active play during free time: Encourage kids to play actively during their free time, such as playing tag or going for a bike ride.

  5. Make household chores active: Turn household chores into an active activity, such as having kids race to see who can pick up the most toys in a minute or have a contest to see who can do the most jumping jacks while sweeping the floor.

  6. Plan active outings: Instead of just sitting and watching a movie, plan active outings such as going to a trampoline park or playing mini golf.

Set a good example

Kids are more likely to be active if they see their parents being active. Make sure to set a good example by being active yourself and incorporating physical activity into your own daily routine. Children often model their behavior after their parents, so if parents are physically active, it is more likely that their kids will be as well. When parents make physical activity a priority and incorporate it into their daily routines, it can help to establish healthy habits in their children. Additionally, when parents participate in physical activity with their kids, it can be a great bonding experience and help to promote a positive attitude towards exercise. Overall, setting a good example of being active can help to ensure that kids grow up with a healthy lifestyle and maintain an active lifestyle throughout their lives.

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Looking to get active?

Here is a few options to explore: