An introduction to Walking Netball

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An introduction to Walking Netball

Walking netball is a modified version of the traditional netball game that is designed to be more accessible and inclusive for players of all ages and abilities. It is played with the same rules as traditional netball, but with the added stipulation that players must maintain a walking pace throughout the game.

Difference between Netball and Walking Netball

The main difference between walking netball and traditional netball is the pace of play. In traditional netball, players are allowed to run and jump in order to make passes and shots. In walking netball, players must remain at a walking pace at all times, with no jumping or running allowed. This modification makes the game more suitable for those who may not be able to run or jump due to physical limitations or injuries.

Walking netball is also played on a smaller court than traditional netball, with dimensions of approximately 30 meters by 15 meters. This smaller size allows for a more compact and controlled game, as well as making it easier for players to stay within the boundaries of the court.

Benefits of Walking Netball

Despite the slower pace of play, walking netball is still a highly competitive and challenging sport. Players must use strategy and skill to outmaneuver their opponents and make successful passes and shots. The game also requires good hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness, as players must be able to catch and throw the ball accurately while staying within the walking pace.

In addition to its physical benefits, walking netball is also a great way for players to socialize and make new friends. Many walking netball leagues and clubs offer the opportunity to play in a team setting, allowing players to bond and form friendships with their teammates.

Walking netball is a great option for those who want to stay active and participate in a team sport, but may not be able to run or jump due to physical limitations. It is also a suitable option for those who are new to netball and want to learn the basic skills and rules of the game.


Overall, walking netball is a fun and inclusive way to stay active and participate in a team sport. Whether you're an experienced netball player looking for a new challenge, or a beginner looking to get involved in a new activity, walking netball is a great option for all ages and abilities.

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