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Bushwalking NSW

Contact Details


Bushwalking NSW Incorporated is the peak body for bushwalkers in NSW and the ACT. It represents the interests of over 12,000 bushwalkers from 70 bushwalking clubs throughout the state, and provides a united voice to local, state and federal government agencies and other bodies on issues affecting bushwalkers. (Bushwalking NSW Inc. was formerly known as the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs of NSW.)

Our Vision
More people walking in nature more often.

Our Mission
Advocacy and support for, and promotion of, more, safe, inclusive and extensive club-based bushwalking and related outdoor activities in nature.

Activities from this provider

Wagga Wilderness Walkers Inc image

Wagga Wilderness Walkers Inc

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Members enjoy a varied program of day walks, backpacking, car-camping and sustained trail walking in the Riverina, the Murrumbidgee River, Victoria, ACT, Kosciusko National Park and Victorian Alpine regions. All walks are researched by walk leaders who do the walk before it is proposed as a club event.

Activities: Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling

Wagga Wilderness Walkers Inc is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your...
Wagga Wagga NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Illawarra Ramblers Club image

Illawarra Ramblers Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
The Illawarra Ramblers Club is based in Wollongong and provides walking, kayaking, and cycling activities plus trips away. Our activities are graded to suit members’ abilities and are spread throughout the whole week. Located in the Illawarra we are close to and frequently access National Parks, coastal regions, the Illawarra Escarpment, rivers, lakes and the Southern Highlands. Try a couple of activities for free before joining.

Activities: Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling

Illawarra Ramblers Club is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely...
Wollongong NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
South Coast Bushwalking Club image

South Coast Bushwalking Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
The South Coast Bush Walking Club (SCBW) is based in Wollongong. Most members reside in the Wollongong, Southern Sydney, Kiama and Southern Highlands areas.

Activities: Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling

South Coast Bushwalking Club is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the...
Wollongong NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Tumut and District Bushwalkers Inc. image

Tumut and District Bushwalkers Inc.

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Tumut Bushwalkers meet most Sundays during the year with walks of all levels.

Activities: Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling, Cycling

Tumut and District Bushwalkers Inc. is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the right activity level for you.

You can go on...
Tumut NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Tamworth Bushwalking & Canoe Club image

Tamworth Bushwalking & Canoe Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
We participate in a range of activities, ranging from easy half-day walks suitable for anyone to more challenging day walks. We also go camping, canoeing, caving and orienteering.

Activities: Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling

Tamworth Bushwalking & Canoe Club is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their...
Tamworth NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Hill View Bushwalkers image

Hill View Bushwalkers

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Hill View Bushwalkers has Friday walks from mid-February to mid-November.

Activities: Bushwalking

Hill View Bushwalkers is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the right activity level for you.

You can go on test walks with a new club to decide if...
Turramurra NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Sutherland Bushwalking Club image

Sutherland Bushwalking Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Sutherland Bushwalkers provides opportunities for outdoor activities to enjoy our natural environment with others. Membership is open to all people 18 years and over, and currently stands at approximately 350 members.

The activities offered by our Club include bushwalking, cycling and kayaking . The activities range in duration from one day to extended periods over several weeks and vary from local to interstate and overseas.

Activities are led by volunteer Activity Organisers and are detailed in the Club program which is provided to financial members quarterly. Activity Organisers details are not available to non members.

Activities are generally graded according...
Sutherland NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Up & Downers Bushwalking Club image

Up & Downers Bushwalking Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Club conducts moderate day walks within a 2 hour drive radius from Sydney, held most Saturdays..

Our History
The Up & Downers BWC Inc was formed in 2000 by Herb Lippmann as a spin-off from courses he ran for many years for Macquarie Community College. We are a small club of approximately 40 members, mainly from around the north/northwest area of Sydney. Moderate day walks within a 2 hour drive radius from Sydney are held most Saturdays. Generally the meeting time is 8.30am and we aim to finish our walk around 2.30-3.00pm. As the travelling time to and from the...
Eastwood NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Wanderers Bushwalking Club image

Wanderers Bushwalking Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Our activity programs are prepared quarterly. They include at least one full day activity per weekend, and occasional walks and social events during the week. Bushwalking trips are organised during the year.

Activities: Bushwalking, Paddling, Cycling

Wanderers Bushwalking Club is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if...
The Hills Shire NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Southern Highlands Bushwalkers image

Southern Highlands Bushwalkers

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
An outdoor activities club which develops friendships through exploring natural wilderness and National Parks

Activities: Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling, Cycling

Southern Highlands Bushwalkers is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the right activity level for you.

You can go on test...
Wingecarribee NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Mountain Devils Bushwalking Club image

Mountain Devils Bushwalking Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Club walk in National Parks and other areas of natural beauty. Also along harbour foreshores and in historic suburbs.

Activities: Bushwalking

Mountain Devils Bushwalking Club is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the right activity level for you.

You can go...
Wingecarribee NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Narrabri Bushwalking Club image

Narrabri Bushwalking Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Narrabri has a local Bushwalking Club who regularly meet to conduct group bushwalks.

Activities: Bushwalking

Narrabri Bushwalking Club is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the right activity level for you.

You can go on test walks with a new club...
Narrabri NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Mudgee Bushwalking Club image

Mudgee Bushwalking Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
The Mudgee Bushwalkers are a social group who enjoy regular walks together.

Activities: Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling

Mudgee Bushwalking Club is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the right activity level for you.

You can go on test walks with a...
Mudgee NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Inverell Bushwalking Club image

Inverell Bushwalking Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Our aim is to promote an interest in bushwalking, camping, birdwatching, nature photography, local history and the natural environment.

Activities: Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking

Inverell Bushwalking Club is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the right activity level for you.

You can...
Inverell NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Clarence Valley Bushwalkers image

Clarence Valley Bushwalkers

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
There are up to 5 scheduled club activities per month, including bushwalking of varying levels of difficulty, terrain and duration; kayaking / canoeing trips, overnight car-camps

Activities: Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling

Clarence Valley Bushwalkers is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at...
Grafton NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
U3A Goulburn Mulwaree Inc image

U3A Goulburn Mulwaree Inc

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Ramblers and kayakers do approximately 3 bushwalks and 3 kayaks per term, usually on a Sunday.

Activities: Bushwalking, Paddling

U3A Goulburn Mulwaree Inc is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the right activity level for you.

You can go on test...
Goulburn NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Upper Lachlan Bushwalkers image

Upper Lachlan Bushwalkers

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Our Club organises midweek and weekend walks in the Upper Lachlan and Central West environs, as well as overnight trips in spring and autumn seasons.

Activities: Bushwalking, Paddling

Upper Lachlan Bushwalkers is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club Secretary to discuss your walking experience and the type of hikes and activities they conduct. This will help you to determine if their walks are pitched at the right activity...
Cowra NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Geehi Bushwalking Club image

Geehi Bushwalking Club

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
he Geehi Bushwalking Club has been walking in the Snowy Mountains since 1957. The club leads bushwalks in the Snowy Mountains, South Coast and ACT; as well as camping, cycling, cross-country skiing and canoeing adventures. Walks are run at least once a month, as well as regular mid-week walks.

New members are always welcome. Whether you’re an experienced walker, new to bushwalking, or walking with your family. All ages and capabilities are catered for, with activities ranging from easy half-day walks on trails, to overnight treks and camps.

Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling, Cross Country Skiing

Geehi Bushwalking Club is...
Cooma NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Coffs Hikers image

Coffs Hikers

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Our volunteer leaders offer a mix of activities for different experiences and fitness levels, so we can explore our natural world. We offer an active program of outdoor adventure exploring the trails, creeks, peaks and waterfalls on the spectacular Coffs Coast and beyond. 

 Exercising in nature with friends keeps us happy and whole!

Bushwalking, Overnight Bushwalking, Paddling, Cycling

Coffs Hikers is a member club of Bushwalking NSW.

Remember that the best club for you may not necessarily be the closest club. Although some clubs are purely locally based, most bushwalking clubs offer activities throughout the region. Contact the Club...
Coffs Harbour NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+
Coffs Coast Sole Sisters image

Coffs Coast Sole Sisters

Provider: Bushwalking NSW
Coffs Coast Sole Sisters are a friendly tribe of women who love bushwalking and exploring the Coffs Coast and hinterland. We also have more challenging multi-day adventures travelling to destinations in New Zealand and Australia several times a year.

A women's adventure and bushwalking group.
Focused on empowering women to spend time in nature with other inspirational women.
To gain bush knowledge.. hiking experience.. a deep respect for the environment.
We love to have a few challenges.. to have fun.. to discover our local area & beyond.
Your new adventure awaits you! 

Bushwalking, Paddling, Overnight Bushwalking

Coffs Coast Sole...
Coffs Harbour NSW
Approx $35.00
Age: 18 - 65+

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