Running Events in Southport QLD

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Search Results

    Sri Chinmoy Winter Wynnum Seaside Run, 2.5km, 5km, 10km & Half-Marathon

    Sri Chinmoy Winter Wynnum Seaside Run, 2.5km, 5km, 10km & Half-Marathon

    Organiser: Sri ChinmoyMartahon Team

    Sri Chinmoy Winter Wynnum Seaside Run, 2.5km, 5km, 10km & Half-MarathonAll races start from Bayside Park, Manly at the corner of the Esplanade and Fairlead Crescent on Sunday 9 June 2024.The course follows the beautiful bike paths of the Wynnum foreshore before venturing up into Elanora Park. It is fast and flat. There are aid stations equipped with water and...

    Manly QLD, Australia
    60.7 km from Southport QLD
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    Gold Coast Marathon 2024

    Gold Coast Marathon 2024


    Organiser: Gold Coast Marathon

    The Gold Coast Marathon is famous for its flat. fast and scenic course located alongside the city’s renowned surf beaches and stunning Broadwater. 60% of participants achieve a personal best time each year and it’s perfect if you’re aiming for a Boston Marathon qualification.2km Junior DashJoin hundreds of youngsters aged between 5 and 10 in the 2km Junior Dash held...

    Gold Coast QLD, Australia
    5.5 km from Southport QLD
    Sri Chinmoy Mt Coot-tha Trail Run - 10km & 20km

    Sri Chinmoy Mt Coot-tha Trail Run - 10km & 20km

    Organiser: Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team

    The 2024 calendar includes a trail run at beautiful Mt Coot-tha on Sunday 14 July. We are having 10km & 20km runs.This is a beautiful course and with the 2 distances, it is perfect for beginners and for those who want an extra challenge, who can run the 10km loop twice.Soak in the energy of running among the trees.July 14,...

    J.C. Slaughter Falls, Sir Samuel Griffith Drive, Mount Coot-Tha Brisbane, QLD, Australia
    69.4 km from Southport QLD


    Organiser: The Guzzler

    The Guzzler Ultra is Brisbane’s very own trail ultra; presented by The Trail Co. and made possible by Brissie’s thriving trail running community. 99 per cent trails and 100 per cent fun, you’ll run past Brisbane’s oldest reservoirs in the order they were built. Along the way, you’ll be well looked after by the wonderful, crazy and energetic groups that...

    Mt Coot-tha Summit Lookout, Sir Samuel Griffith Drive, Mount Coot-Tha QLD, Australia
    68.9 km from Southport QLD


    Organiser: The Guzzler

    The Guzzler Ultra is Brisbane’s very own trail ultra; presented by The Trail Co. and made possible by Brissie’s thriving trail running community. 99% trails and 100% fun, you’ll run past Brisbane’s oldest reservoirs in the order they were built. Challenge yourself over 10km, 21km, 50km or 100km of Brisbane's epic trail network.20 July 2024 - 21 July 2024Mt Coot-tha,...

    Mount Coot-Tha Brisbane, QLD, Australia
    68.6 km from Southport QLD


    Organiser: Jetty 2 Jetty

    The 38th Annual Jetty 2 Jetty Fun Run is back.Queensland's most scenic fun run returns to the stunning Redcliffe Peninsula, where people of all ages and fitness levels will be thrilled to run this Officially Accredited coastal course set against the beauty of Moreton Bay and Moreton Island.Whether you're a seasoned runner or taking the step into your first ever...

    Pelican Park, Hornibrook Esplanade, Clontarf QLD, Australia
    84.6 km from Southport QLD
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Nearby Groups & Activities

Kids Tennis Classes @ Southport State High School image

Kids Tennis Classes @ Southport State High School

Your local coach: John Birrell - Club Professional Coach for Queens Park Tennis Centre

Hot Shots Tennis: Fun Kids Classes and Tennis Lessons

Hot Shots Tennis is a fun way for children aged 3-10+ years old to play and learn tennis. Each Stage provides the right equipment and court size for kids to play tennis at their ability and interest. Games and activities are designed with our Play to Learn philosophy which recognizes the importance of play, appropriate challenge, and learning new skills.

The benefits of the program go beyond learning tennis to also promote life skills such as building...
Southport QLD
Approx $20.00
Age: 3 - 11
Australia Fair Walking Group image

Australia Fair Walking Group

Provider: Heart Foundation Walking Groups
Heart Foundation Walking group located in Southport (QLD).
Walking Speed: Medium pace
Frequency: Weekly
Dog Friendly: No
Pram Friendly: Yes

When you have found a Heart Foundation Walking group that suits you best, click through to the website to learn more and complete the registration form. You can contact the Walk Organiser of your chosen group with any questions regarding the group.

Please Note:
The image provided is a generic image and not an actual representation of the group. Some information such as age group and gender of group may not be accurate. We recommend contacting the organiser if you...
Southport QLD
Age: 18 - 65+
Tue, Thu
Kids Tennis Classes @ Queens Park Tennis Centre image

Kids Tennis Classes @ Queens Park Tennis Centre

Your local coach: John Birrell - Club Professional Coach for Queens Park Tennis Centre

Hot Shots Tennis: Fun Kids Classes and Tennis Lessons

Hot Shots Tennis is a fun way for children aged 3-10+ years old to play and learn tennis. Each Stage provides the right equipment and court size for kids to play tennis at their ability and interest. Games and activities are designed with our Play to Learn philosophy which recognizes the importance of play, appropriate challenge, and learning new skills.

The benefits of the program go beyond learning tennis to also promote life skills such as building...
Approx $20.00
Age: 3 - 11
Domain Retirement Village Walking Group image

Domain Retirement Village Walking Group

Provider: Heart Foundation Walking Groups
Heart Foundation Walking group located in Ashmore (QLD).
Walking Speed: Slow pace
Frequency: Weekly
Dog Friendly: Yes
Pram Friendly: No

When you have found a Heart Foundation Walking group that suits you best, click through to the website to learn more and complete the registration form. You can contact the Walk Organiser of your chosen group with any questions regarding the group.

Please Note:
The image provided is a generic image and not an actual representation of the group. Some information such as age group and gender of group may not be accurate. We recommend contacting the organiser if you...
Ashmore QLD
Age: 18 - 65+
Kids Tennis Classes @ The Southport School image

Kids Tennis Classes @ The Southport School

Your local coach: Joshua Ryan - Junior Development Coach for Josh Ryan Tennis

Hot Shots Tennis: Fun Kids Classes and Tennis Lessons

Hot Shots Tennis is a fun way for children aged 3-10+ years old to play and learn tennis. Each Stage provides the right equipment and court size for kids to play tennis at their ability and interest. Games and activities are designed with our Play to Learn philosophy which recognizes the importance of play, appropriate challenge, and learning new skills.

The benefits of the program go beyond learning tennis to also promote life skills such as building positive...
Southport QLD
Approx $20.00
Age: 3 - 11


Adidas - Outlet Sale

Offer: Save up to 50% on shoes, clothing and more while supplies last.

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Anaconda - Sale

Offer: Camping & hiking, cycling, fishing, water sports to clothing & footwear items on sale

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Asics - Limited Time Sale

Offer: Limited Stocks

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Brooks Running - Sale

Offer: Brooks has you covered with a variety of sale items across our massive range of running shoes and clothing.

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More options to explore

Running in Australia

Participating in running events, also known as road races or marathons, can be a fun and rewarding way to stay active and challenge yourself physically. There are many different types of running events, from short distance fun runs to full marathons. Some popular distances include:

  1. 5K: A 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) race, often considered the shortest "serious" race distance.

  2. 10K: A 10 kilometer (6.2 mile) race, a popular distance for runners of all abilities.

  3. Half marathon: A 21.1 kilometer (13.1 mile) race, often considered a significant milestone for runners.

  4. Marathon: A 42.2 kilometer (26.2 mile) race, considered the ultimate test of endurance and stamina.

Participating in a running event requires proper training and preparation. It is highly recommended to consult a doctor before starting any training program, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or have not exercised in a while. It is also important to have the appropriate gear, such as running shoes, and to stay hydrated and fueled during the race.

Many running events also serve as fundraisers for charitable organizations, giving participants the opportunity to contribute to a good cause while also challenging themselves physically.

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