Family & Kids Events in Barunga NT

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    Barunga Festival

    Barunga Festival


    Organiser: Barunga Festival

    Barunga Festival is a must for anyone seeking an authentic Aboriginal cultural experience. An iconic family friendly event on the national festival calendar, Barunga boasts a long and proud tradition of celebrating Indigenous live music, art, culture and sport. This much-loved Territory festival attracts more than 5000 fans – Indigenous and non-Indigenous people – who celebrate together in a small...

    Barunga Northern Territory, Australia
    0.4 km from Barunga NT
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Katherine Hot Springs parkrun - Katherine South image

Katherine Hot Springs parkrun - Katherine South

Provider: parkrun Australia
What is Katherine Hot Springs parkrun?

A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate – it's up to you!

When is it?
Every Saturday Morning. See website for exact time.

What does it cost to join in?
Nothing - it's free!

How to join in?
Visit the parkrun website to sign up and learn more about how to participate.
About Katherine Hot Springs parkrun

Katherine Hot Springs parkrun is a FREE weekly 5km event for participants of all standards, which takes place every Saturday. It is not a race against other runners, but...
Katherine South NT
Age: 18 - 65+
66.1 km from Barunga


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Family & Kids in Australia

There are a variety of family events that are run by government, councils, non-profits, and other associations to encourage physical activity. These events can include things like organized runs or walks, bike rides, hiking events, or other outdoor activities that promote exercise and physical activity. Some examples of specific events that might be held include:

  • Fun runs or walk-a-thons: These events typically involve a short race or walk that is open to people of all ages and abilities. They are often organized as fundraisers for charitable causes and can include a variety of different distances and routes to suit different participants.

  • Bike rides: These events can range from casual group rides to more organized events, such as charity bike rides or endurance challenges.

  • Hiking events: Some organizations may organize guided hikes or backpacking trips for families, with the goal of getting people outdoors and active in nature.

  • Parks and recreation events: Government and local councils might organize events in public parks, such as fitness classes, family sports games, and other activities.

  • Community festivals and fairs: Many communities host events that include physical activities such as sports tournaments, fitness demonstrations, and other activities that encourage people to be active.

These events are usually open to all ages and abilities, and provide a great opportunity for families to spend time together while getting active and healthy.

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