Health & Wellbeing Blog


The Myth of the "Ideal" Body

The Myth of the "Ideal" Body

The world of social media can be a cruel place. We are constantly bombarded with images of seemingly perfect people in their ideal bodies, and it’s easy to feel like you measure up to that standard. But the truth is most people don’t look like those photos. And even if they did, that wouldn’t be an ideal body type – it would just be an ideal body for them, personally.

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10 Ways to Find Your Motivation

10 Ways to Find Your Motivation

2 years ago

Motivation seems like a fleeting phenomenon. You have it one moment and the next, it’s gone. Perhaps you’ve experienced this before: You get up ready to tackle your day and complete your work with ease; then five minutes later you find yourself unable to start on anything. Motivation is a curious beast that comes in waves.

Personal Training vs Group Exercise

Personal Training vs Group Exercise

2 years ago

When it comes to staying fit and healthy, the options can seem endless. But personal trainers and group exercise classes are two of the most common ways for people to stay active and work on their fitness. Which one is better? While both have benefits, the answer may depend on your individual needs, goals and lifestyle.

Think about your fitness differently: Open Goals vs Fixed Goals

Think about your fitness differently: Open Goals vs Fixed Goals

2 years ago

When trying to set a fitness goal, it is important to note there are two kinds of goal-setting. Knowing your options, can help you experiment and find a goal that work best for you.

With open goals, your goals are wide-open: broad, general and not restrictive; as a result, you have the freedom to achieve them in any way you like. However with fixed goals, you’re restricted by challenging criteria and pre-set objectives that must be achieved in specific ways.

The Health Benefits of Swimming

The Health Benefits of Swimming

2 years ago

Swimming is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy. Even though it may seem like a simple exercise, swimming requires a lot of physical exertion. It’s also fun and relaxing at the same time. Read on to know more about why swimming is good for your body and how it can lead to numerous benefits for your body.

How to Improve Your Energy Levels

How to Improve Your Energy Levels

2 years ago

There are many ups and downs in a working day. Some days you’ll be more productive than others, some days you might feel less energetic than usual and other days you may struggle with motivation. These little dips in energy levels can have a big impact on your performance during the working day. They might make it harder to concentrate, decrease your motivation or cause you to make more mistakes. However, these dips don’t have to be permanent.

Why Being Active Is More Important Than Being Perfect

Why Being Active Is More Important Than Being Perfect

2 years ago

Being active is more important than being perfect. We’ve all heard this saying before. It’s become a cliché because it’s true. But what does it really mean? The idea of “being active is more important than being perfect” means you don’t have to be thin, fit, or healthy to be happy and successful. You can have the best intentions of starting an exercise routine tomorrow and eating less sugar. Tomorrow might never come. That would make you not perfect, but that doesn’t change who you are inside.

How to Make Time for Exercise as a Parent

How to Make Time for Exercise as a Parent

2 years ago

As a parent, your life is filled with many new challenges and responsibilities. Juggling work, home life, and the needs of your children can leave little time for yourself. As a result, personal time often takes a back seat. Keeping fit and healthy as a parent can seem like an even more challenging feat. However, this should not stop you from exercising regularly.

Tips to Help You Make Friends as an Adult

Tips to Help You Make Friends as an Adult

2 years ago

As an adult, it can be hard to build relationships. But that doesn’t mean you should give up hope! Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can start building new friendships as an adult. Even better? Once you begin making friends as an adult, they might just stick with you for life. Building new friendships as an adult isn’t easy—but it doesn’t have to be impossible either.
Here are some tips and tricks that could help you make friends as an adult.

Why Walking Groups Are So Popular?

Why Walking Groups Are So Popular?

2 years ago

Walking is a great way to stay fit and meet new friends. Many of us don’t have access to a gym or other fitness facilities that offer personal training or classes. Luckily, we have walking groups! They’re open to anyone who wants to join and offer the chance to get fit and socialize in the process.

Looking to get active?

Here is a few options to explore: